Applications for the National Internship Program 2025 have started

26 Aralık 2024 Perşembe

“National Internship Program” is an early career program conducted by the Presidency Human Resources Office to ensure that our young talents benefit from career opportunities provided by public institutions and private sector organizations within the framework of equal opportunities and in accordance with the principles of merit.

The program aims to increase the employability of our youth, support equal opportunities in accessing career opportunities and expand various early career opportunities to all departments.

Students who apply to the program are evaluated with a transparent, traceable and innovative method based on their academic/vocational, artistic/social and athletic proficiency scores, taking into account their performance throughout their education, their work to improve their skills and their successes. Employers send offers to students based on their scores in the relevant proficiency areas without seeing their identity and university information.

The Program, which is followed with admiration abroad as well as its success at home and has been shown as an exemplary practice by the OECD six times, provides many young people with the opportunity to experience business life while they are still students and to gain early career awareness.

Applications for the “National Internship Program”  2025 started on December 23, 2024 and will continue until February 28, 2025.

For detailed information,   you can visit .