Horizontal Transfer Procedures with Central Placement Score

Dear Student Candidates;
We congratulate you on choosing our faculty within the scope of Additional Article-1 Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score and wish you success in your education-training process. This article, which details the procedures to be carried out before and after the application and student registration acceptance process, has been prepared to inform candidate students.
Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score: This is an application that allows students to change universities or departments, regardless of their general grade point average. In this application, the student's score values ​​in the year they took the university exam are taken into account. If the student's central placement score in the year they registered is equal to or higher than the base score of the diploma program they want to transfer to, the student can apply for horizontal transfer, including the preparatory class.
1) Regulation on Transfer, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions
2) Additional Article 1 Application Principles
3) Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Horizontal Transfer Directive
Our faculty's Journalism, Public Relations and Promotion, Radio, Television and Cinema and Visual Communication Design Departments continue their education-training activities.
A horizontal transfer quota of 30% of the student quota published in the Student Selection and Placement System Guide is allocated with Additional Article-1 Central Placement Score, not to exceed 90 for each class, including the preparatory class, of each diploma program in higher education institutions. (For example; a program with a 2022 ÖSYS quota of 60 students will be allocated a quota of 18 students.) If the number of applicants exceeds the quota, the same number of substitute candidates will be determined. CHECK the link to access the ÖSYS quota, score type and base score of the program you want to transfer to.
2024 Additional Article-1 Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score applications will be made online from the university information management system platform within the dates announced in the academic calendar. CHECK the link to access the e-application system. Applications sent via mail, e-mail, cargo, fax will not be processed. Student candidates who will apply online within the announced periods are obliged to define their identity, contact, education data and the documents listed below in a complete, approved and accurate manner to our information system. Applications cannot be made after the application period is completed and documents cannot be added to the application file.
Documents that must be defined in the University Information Management System:
1- Photograph (taken within the last six months)
2- ÖSYM Result Document (ÖSYM candidate transactions system)
3- ÖSYM Placement Result Document (ÖSYM candidate transactions system)
4- Student Certificate (With wet signature or e-approved or e-government barcode)
5- Disciplinary Status Document (If not specified in other documents, with wet signature or e-approved)
6- Document Showing That YG Has Not Been Performed with Additional Article 1 Before (If not specified in other documents, with wet signature or e-approved)
7- Transcript Document [For those applying to intermediate classes] (With wet signature or e-approved or e-government barcode)
8- Course Contents [For those applying to intermediate classes] (Obtained from the University's website)
9- Language Proficiency Certificate [For the 2nd or For those applying to the 3rd year] (Document showing that they have studied and passed the foreign language preparatory class or a foreign language certificate with national and international validity recognized by YÖK) *If the applicants for the preparatory or 1st year cannot submit a Language Proficiency Certificate, students who are deemed suitable for horizontal transfer will be admitted to the preparatory education. (Applications from Turkish programs will be evaluated within the scope of Article 18 of the Additional Article 1 application principles.)
The applications submitted by the candidates through the online system are reviewed and evaluated within the framework of the provisions of the “Regulation on the Principles of Transfer Between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer” and the “Additional Article 1 Application Principles” determined by the Higher Education Executive Board and the principles specified in the “Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Horizontal Transfer Directive”.
Document-Data Review and Preliminary Assessment Process:
During the document-data review and preliminary assessment phase conducted by our department committees, the following procedures are carried out in order;
a) Applications of candidates who have missing data and documents defined in the system, unverifiable e-documents, unapproved documents, inconsistencies between data and documents, who cannot provide the central placement score mentioned in the relevant legislation, who have previously transferred horizontally with the central placement score, and who have received disciplinary punishment are rejected, and the rejection reason created by referring to the relevant article of the legislation is recorded in the UBYS Application Management module,
b) The horizontal transfer ranking is determined based on the central placement score of the candidate whose application is approved in the year he/she started higher education and the ÖSYS score type/base score of the department he/she applied to in the same year, the data is defined and recorded in the UBYS Application Management module,
c) The list is downloaded from the UBYS Application Management module in Excel format, the information of candidates who are entitled to be placed in the main and reserve quotas, who are not and whose applications are deemed invalid are categorized according to the department-program-class they applied to, converted into a commission report, the title/name/surname of the commission members are added, a printout is taken, wet signatures are completed, and delivered by hand to the faculty document registration unit. Determination and Announcement of Final Evaluation Results:
During the final evaluation and announcement of the results carried out by our Faculty Board of Directors, the following procedures are carried out in order;
a) If any deficiencies or errors are detected in the preliminary examination-evaluation results, the necessary corrections-arrangements are made,
b) Horizontal transfer evaluation results are finalized and subject to the decision of the board,
c) They are announced from the UBYS application management module and the faculty website.
Additional Article-1 The registration-admission procedures of student candidates who are entitled to be placed in our undergraduate programs within the scope of Horizontal Transfer with Central Placement Score will be carried out at our faculty.
Before coming to the registration application, the application petition must be filled out on the computer and the necessary documents must be copied.
The student who will be present during the application must present the requested documents to the registration officer for checking. In cases where the student cannot be present, the registration application made by his/her proxy with a notarized power of attorney will be processed.
The original or photocopy of other documents other than the application petition will not be delivered.
Registration applications made via mail, cargo, fax and other means of communication will not be processed.
Candidates who do not register on the dates announced below cannot claim any rights.
A substitute candidate will be registered instead of the main candidate who does not register within the periods specified in the calendar.
Registration will not be made if any of the documents listed below cannot be submitted.
Required Documents for Student Registration and Acceptance Procedure:
1) Application Petition DOWNLOAD the petition to be filled out on the computer.
2) T.R. ID Card or ID Card (Original)
3) Student Certificate (With wet signature or e-approved or e-government barcode)
4) Transcript [For those applying to intermediate grades] (With wet signature or e-approved or e-government barcode)
5) Disciplinary Status Certificate (With wet signature or e-approved if not specified in other documents)
6) Document Proving That No Previous YG Has Been Performed With Additional Article 1 (With wet signature or e-approved if the registration method is not specified in other documents)
7) Language Proficiency Certificate [For those applying to the 2nd or 3rd grade of our departments where the language of instruction is partially or completely English] (Document showing that they have studied and passed the foreign language preparatory class or a foreign language certificate with national and international validity recognized by YÖK) *In case the applicants for the preparatory or 1st grade cannot submit a Language Proficiency Certificate, students who are deemed suitable for horizontal transfer are admitted to preparatory education.
The process for deleting the registration of students registered in our undergraduate programs from their previous higher education institution will be initiated after the end of the student registration-admission dates. The student will not apply to our university or the other university separately for this process.
The list containing the information of the students whose registration has been accepted is attached to the official letter of our faculty and sent to the relevant universities via electronic correspondence. The relevant university performs the student's registration deletion process, transfers the data to the YÖKSİS database, and does not send any files or documents belonging to the student.
f) CREDIT AND GRADE TRANSFER (Course Equivalence and Grade Adaptation)
The process of working on the course equivalence and grade adaptation of students who are entitled to enroll in our departments where the language of instruction is "Turkish" will be initiated after the student registration-admission process. Students in this scope will not apply separately.
The process of working on the course equivalence and grade adaptation of students who have received foreign language preparatory class education or have a nationally/internationally valid foreign language certificate among those registered in our departments where the language of instruction is completely or partially "English" will be initiated after the student registration-admission process. Students in this scope will not apply separately.
The process of working on the course equivalence and grade adaptation of students who have not received foreign language preparatory class education or do not have a nationally/internationally valid foreign language certificate among those registered in our departments where the language of instruction is completely or partially "English" will be initiated at the end of the academic semester in which they successfully complete the English preparatory class at our university. Students in this scope will apply to our relevant Department Headship after successfully completing the preparatory class. Evaluations are carried out by our relevant department commissions within the framework of the provisions of the “Regulation on Transfer, Double Major, Minor and Inter-Institutional Credit Transfer between Associate and Undergraduate Programs in Higher Education Institutions” and the “Additional Article 1 Application Principles” determined by the Higher Education Executive Board and the provisions specified in the “Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Associate, Undergraduate Education-Teaching Regulation” and “Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Horizontal Transfer Directive”. Course equivalence is made based on the language of instruction, content, national and international credit value of the equivalent course in our curriculum with the student’s previous successful course in the higher education institution, and grade adjustment is carried out by converting the success scores of these courses to the BAİBÜ scoring system. Preliminary evaluation results are proposed to the Dean’s Office with the relevant department commission minutes, and the final results are finalized with the decision of the Faculty Board of Directors. The course and grade transferred for credit and grade transfer are reflected in the student’s transcript during the course registration process. before starting, it is defined in the automation system by the faculty student affairs coordinator.
Click to access information regarding document requests.
Click to access student application forms.
Click to access the curriculum of our departments.
Click to access the course content of our departments.
Click to access information regarding education-training activities.
Click to access the consultancy calendar.
Click to access the course schedules.
Click to access the exam schedules.
Students registered in the first (day) education program do not pay tuition fees or contribution fees. Students registered in the second (night) education program, students registered in the formal or open education programs of higher education institutions but registered in the first education program of our departments within the scope of the second university, students in the first education program who could not complete their undergraduate education in eight semesters will be able to register for courses after declaring their nine-digit student number to any branch of İş Bankası in Turkey and paying their tuition fees before registering for courses. The tuition fee that students must pay can be seen on the course registration screen and is defined as a debt on the student numbers in the bank database.
Students registered to the university are obliged to pay the contribution fee/tuition fee at the beginning of each semester starting from the semester they registered until graduation, and then to pre-register for their courses via the university information management system within the course registration period announced in the academic calendar and send it for advisor approval. Priority should be given to registration for lower semester courses that are not included in credit and grade transfer.
* Our university does not have a student dormitory.
* For information about dormitories affiliated with the General Directorate of Credits and Dormitories of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, application and application conditions, please visit https://kygm.gsb.gov.tr