Document Access Forms

Requests for Access to Documents
This information, which our unit shares with the public for the purpose of informing our internal/external stakeholders regarding requests for access to documents and transaction processes related to education-training processes in accordance with Article 5 of the Law No. 4982 on the Right to Information, cannot be subject to applications for access to information in accordance with Article 8 of the same law. You can find the explanations prepared in line with the relevant legislation and containing detailed explanations below.

Requests for access to documents by students continuing their education in our faculty's undergraduate programs are met online through the University Information Management System [UBYS] database.
Requests for documents sent to our unit through UBYS are approved during official working days and hours.
After being approved with the secure electronic signature of the unit official, the document, which has the status of an official document in accordance with the provision in Article 5 of the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070, "A secure electronic signature has the same legal consequences as a handwritten signature.", is valid in all institutions/organizations with private/foundation/public legal personality.
If you are told that your document signed with a secure electronic signature from the UBYS portal or produced with a barcode from the e-government portal cannot be accepted, please notify the relevant unit authority verbally or in writing about the binding/obligation of Article 5 of the Electronic Signature Law No. 5070.
The accuracy/validity of the document can be questioned by the relevant units through the barcode/verification code included in the document content.
The document created by the system in its standard digital format can be requested in Turkish or English.
A maximum of 4 documents of the same type and language can be requested within an academic semester.
It is the student's responsibility to print the e-signed document and send it to the relevant unit physically or electronically.
The student and transcript document can also be obtained from the e-government application.
Except for document types that cannot be accessed from UBYS or other web-based data platforms of our institution, no physical document with wet signature and seal will be given.
Follow the adjacent process steps to create your e-document request. UBYS / STUDENT SYSTEM / Student Information Screen / Document Request / Document Type-Select / Language-Select / Request Document
Follow the steps on the side to view/download/print your electronically signed e-document. UBYS / STUDENT SYSTEM / Student Information Screen / Document Request / Requested Documents / View-Download-Print

Student ID card; is a type of document that shows that the relevant person is a registered student of our university.

The student ID card, which is checked at the entrances to areas within the campus borders, security checks, entrances to exam halls, library/documentation and social/cultural activity services offered by our institution, document/application transactions, is also used in the student cafeteria of our university by transferring money to filling centers/bank accounts.
Regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester, it is given free of charge to every student newly registered to our faculty programs within the first two weeks of the academic semester.

During the delivery process of the card, which is printed by Halkbank in accordance with the institutional protocol, the student or their notarized proxy must be present, the ID card/citizenship ID card photocopy must be given to the officer, and the application form must be filled out.

In case of loss of the card, it is necessary to notify the security units/relevant bank and apply to the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department for re-issuance.

Student certificate; It is a type of document that allows students who register for courses during the active academic year to benefit from the privileged student rights.

It contains detailed information about the student's educational status.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, scholarship, credit, dormitory, discounted transportation card, etc. within/outside the institution.
This document is requested by the student who registered for courses during the active academic year via UBYS or is produced from the e-government portal.
The validity period is limited to one academic year.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
A student who does not register for courses during the active academic year cannot make a request. It is not given to students in this situation, to those who graduated, left, were dismissed or who did not study in our unit.

Transcript document; It is a type of document that shows the courses, grades, credits and weighted grade point averages of the student registered during their education at our faculty on a semester basis.

It contains information about the student's success status in the courses they registered.
It may be requested in the application procedures to be made by the student to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, scholarship, credit, dormitory, discounted transportation card, etc. within/outside the institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS or produced from the e-government portal, regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester.
For students who continue their education, its validity period is limited to one academic semester.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.
The responsible and authorized unit to apply for document requests of those who graduated, left or were expelled from our faculty programs is the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department.

Student disciplinary document; It is a type of document that shows the student's disciplinary status during their education at our faculty.

It contains detailed information about the student's disciplinary penalty status.
It can be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization and is an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, scholarship, credit, dormitory, etc. within/outside the institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS regardless of course registration status during the active education semester.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.
The responsible and authorized unit to apply for document requests of those who graduated, left or were expelled from our faculty programs is the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department.
Course content document; is a type of document that contains data on the content of all courses within the framework of the curriculum taught in our faculty programs.
Course plan document; is a type of document that contains data on the courses in the roadmap that students enrolled in our faculty programs will follow during their education and training periods.

It contains detailed information on all courses in the curriculum.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, etc. within/outside the institution.
The course content document is requested via UBYS regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester or downloaded from our website with an electronic signature.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
It can be accessed by those who graduated, left or were dismissed from our programs from the following link addresses.
Make sure that the course content or curriculum you access is compatible with the course code, name and credit on your transcript.
If there is a course content or curriculum you cannot access, please contact/get in touch with the relevant Department Head.
It will be sufficient to print out the content of the courses you have passed and been exempted from, and the curriculum plan you are affiliated with. It is recommended not to print out the content of other courses you have not registered for, failed or are absent from, or different curriculum plans you are not affiliated with.
It is the person's responsibility to obtain a printout of the electronically signed document and to forward it to the relevant institution/organization physically or electronically.
Document printouts of people who have not studied in our unit will not be approved.

The document that shows that there is no obstacle for the student enrolled in our faculty programs to leave our institution within the scope of horizontal transfer.

It contains information that the student does not have any obstacles for horizontal transfer.
It may be requested in the application procedures to be made by the student to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in horizontal transfer applications to other higher education institutions.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS, regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester. (UBYS / STUDENT SYSTEM / Student Information Screen / Other / Start the Process of There is No Obstacle for Horizontal Transfer)
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Student Affairs Coordinator, Student Affairs Department, Health Culture and Sports Department, Library and Documentation Department authorized person and the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
Applications of students who have not fulfilled their financial, economic, financial and legal obligations to our institution will not be approved. (Those who have tuition fee debts, those who do not return books/documents/materials borrowed from our institution, etc.)
A physical document with wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.
Document copies of people who have not studied in our unit are not approved.

The document showing that the student did not transfer with the central placement score; It is the type of document in which the statement that the student registered in our faculty programs did not benefit from the horizontal transfer application with Additional Article 1 is shown during his/her education.

It contains information about the student's registration status in our institution.
It can be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant higher education institution or organization, and is considered an official document. It is used in horizontal transfer applications made to other higher education institutions with the central placement score.
The statement corresponding to this document is included in the "Arrival Method" field in the student document and in the "Registration Method" section in the transcript document. It is requested via UBYS in the student or transcript document type.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with wet signature/seal is not provided.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.
Preparatory class achievement certificate; It is a type of document that shows the general success status of the student enrolled in the programs of our faculty that provide education in a foreign language in whole or in part, in the compulsory English preparatory class education received from our university's Foreign Languages ​​School.

It contains information about the general success status in the preparatory class.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and it has the nature of an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, scholarship, etc. within/outside the institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS regardless of the course registration status during the active education semester.
The requested document is approved by the BAİBÜ Foreign Languages ​​School Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit or by students enrolled in our programs that do not have compulsory English preparatory class education.
The responsible and authorized unit to which the people who graduated, left or were dismissed from our faculty's programs can apply for their document requests is the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department.

Foreign languages ​​transcript; is a type of document showing the courses and grades of the students registered in the compulsory English preparatory class education received from our university's School of Foreign Languages ​​during the compulsory English preparatory class education received from our university's School of Foreign Languages, which is registered in our faculty's programs that provide education in a foreign language in whole or in part.

It contains detailed information about the student's preparatory class courses.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in applications such as student exchange, horizontal/vertical transfer program, credit/grade transfer, scholarship, etc. within/outside the institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS, regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester.
The requested document is approved by the BAİBÜ School of Foreign Languages ​​Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit and by students registered in our programs that do not have compulsory English preparatory class education.
The responsible and authorized unit to which the applicants who graduated, left or were expelled from our faculty's programs can apply for their document requests is the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department.

Military service document; It is a type of document that shows the status/connection of male students registered in our faculty with military service.

It contains detailed information about the time spent by the student during the education process in our faculty.
It can be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization and has the status of an official document. It is used in the application procedures of male students who receive a military roll call, such as postponement of dispatch etc.
The military service postponement procedures of male students studying in our university's associate, undergraduate and graduate programs are carried out by the BAİBÜ Student Affairs Department. The student does not need to make a separate notification.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS during the active education semester, regardless of their course registration status.
The requested document is approved by the Faculty Secretary within one working day.
A physical document with a wet signature/seal is not given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.

Course registration approval report document; is a type of document showing the approved list of the courses the student is registered for in the active education semester.

It contains detailed information about the approved report of the courses registered for on a semester basis.
It may be requested in the application procedures to be made by the student to the relevant institution or organization, and is an official document. It is used in application/review procedures such as credit, private institution scholarship, dormitory, etc.
This document cannot yet be obtained with a secure electronic signature. It is viewed by the student who has registered for a course during the active education semester via UBYS. (UBYS / STUDENT SYSTEM / Student Information Screen / Other / Registration Approval Report)
It is the student's responsibility to print the document, submit it for the wet signature of the advisor and faculty secretary, and send it to the relevant unit physically or electronically.
Course schedule document; It is a document type showing the semester schedule of all courses taught in the relevant program of our faculty within the active education semester.

Exam schedule document; It is a document type showing the schedule of exams to be held in the relevant program of our faculty within the active education semester.

It contains detailed information about the unit, year, semester, day, hour, duration, code, name, responsible person, and hall of the courses taught on a semester basis and the exams to be held.
It may be requested in the application procedures to be made by the student to the relevant institution or organization, and it has the nature of an official document. It is used in application/review procedures such as credit, private institution scholarship, dormitory, etc.

This document cannot yet be obtained from the UBYS portal with a secure electronic signature. It is viewed and verified by the relevant parties via our faculty's website. ( / STUDENT INFORMATION PORTAL / Course Schedule Schedule / Exam Schedule Schedule)
It is the student's responsibility to print the document, submit it to the wet signature of the advisor and faculty secretary, and send it to the relevant unit physically or electronically.

Dismissal document; It is a type of document that shows that there is no obstacle to the student's departure from our institution if he/she wishes to voluntarily cancel his/her registration from our faculty programs.

It contains information that there is no obstacle to the student's departure from our institution.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and it has the nature of an official document. It is used in the application procedures for severance from our institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS, regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester.
The requested document; It is approved by the Faculty Student Affairs Coordinator, Student Affairs Department, Health Culture and Sports Department, Library and Documentation Department and Faculty Secretary within one working day.

Applications of students who have not fulfilled their financial, economic, financial and legal obligations to our institution will not be approved. (Those who have tuition fee debts, those who do not return books/documents/materials borrowed from our institution, etc.)
A physical document with wet signature/seal will not be given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.
Course schedule document; It is a document type showing the semester schedule of all courses taught in the relevant program of our faculty within the active education semester.

Exam schedule document; It is a document type showing the schedule of exams to be held in the relevant program of our faculty within the active education semester.

It contains detailed information about the unit, year, semester, day, hour, duration, code, name, responsible person, and hall of the courses taught on a semester basis and the exams to be held.
It may be requested in the application procedures to be made by the student to the relevant institution or organization, and it has the nature of an official document. It is used in application/review procedures such as credit, private institution scholarship, dormitory, etc.

This document cannot yet be obtained from the UBYS portal with a secure electronic signature. It is viewed and verified by the relevant parties via our faculty's website. ( / STUDENT INFORMATION PORTAL / Course Schedule Schedule / Exam Schedule Schedule)
It is the student's responsibility to print the document, submit it to the wet signature of the advisor and faculty secretary, and send it to the relevant unit physically or electronically.

Dismissal document; It is a type of document that shows that there is no obstacle to the student's departure from our institution if he/she wishes to voluntarily cancel his/her registration from our faculty programs.

It contains information that there is no obstacle to the student's departure from our institution.
It may be requested in the student's application procedures to the relevant institution or organization, and it has the nature of an official document. It is used in the application procedures for severance from our institution.
This document is requested by the student via UBYS, regardless of the course registration status during the active academic semester.
The requested document; It is approved by the Faculty Student Affairs Coordinator, Student Affairs Department, Health Culture and Sports Department, Library and Documentation Department and Faculty Secretary within one working day.

Applications of students who have not fulfilled their financial, economic, financial and legal obligations to our institution will not be approved. (Those who have tuition fee debts, those who do not return books/documents/materials borrowed from our institution, etc.)
A physical document with wet signature/seal will not be given.
It cannot be requested by people who have not studied in our unit.