External Stakeholder 1) Ahmet Ercan Gülen (Köroğlu TV - Journalism Department
External Stakeholder 2) Ufuk Akdemir (EBSCO - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 3) Ersin Ercan (Demirören News Agency - Journalism Department)
External Stakeholder 4) İsmail Özdemir (Bolu Governorship Press and Public Relations Department - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 5) M. Ali Atalay (Bolu Takip Newspaper - Journalism Department)
External Stakeholder 6) Mert Minisker (Bolu Journalists Association Presidency - Journalism Department)
External Stakeholder 7) Özgen Koca (Beypiliç Advertising and Promotion Department - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 8) Özgür Yorul (İhlas News Agency - Journalism Department)
External Stakeholder 9) Reşat Ayaz (Çağsu Hospital Public Relations Department - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 10) Mehmet Çetinkaya (BRTV Radio, Television and Cinema Department)
External Stakeholder 11) Eren Günkaya (Erpiliç Public Relations Directorate - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 12) Bahar Ceylan Zilayaz (BOYNER - Visual Communication Design Department)
External Stakeholder 13) Hızır İlyas, Melih Mermer (TİMBİR - Radio, Television and Cinema Department)
External Stakeholder 14) Tayfun Öztürk (Pasific Film Production - Radio, Television and Cinema Department)
External Stakeholder 15) Serdar Yıldız (Narven A.Ş. General Directorate - Public Relations and Promotion Department)
External Stakeholder 16) Kemal Sert (Petek Kırtasiye Elektronik Tic. Ltd. Ş. - Visual Communication Design Department)
External Stakeholder 17) Nihat Albayrak (Narven A.Ş. Corporate Communications Directorate - Visual Communication Design Department)
External Stakeholder 18) Mehmet Emin Gürbüz (Bolu Journalist and Writers Association President - Journalism Department)
External Stakeholder 19) Çiğdem Dönmez (Director Assistant - Radio Television and Cinema Department)
External Stakeholder 20) Hasan Yıldız (Yıldızlar Promotion Organization Directorate - Public Relations and Promotion Department)