Optional Internship Process

Internship: In addition to the theoretical and practical courses given at the university and determined specifically for the program, it refers to the professional work that students do in the enterprise in order to develop the professional knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that are expected to be acquired by the curriculum, to get to know the sector, to adapt to business life and to grow in a real production and service environment.
• Students who continue their education in our undergraduate programs that do not have a compulsory internship application can do an optional internship. These optional internships will be carried out under the coordination of the Internship Commission established within our Department Heads, within the scope of the optional internship provisions in the Presidency Human Resources Office Internship Mobilization Implementation Directive and Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Applied Education Directive.
• Before starting the internship; the following application petitions must be filled out on the computer, printed, submitted to the wet signature of the relevant authorities and delivered to our faculty and the relevant workplace. After the internship is completed; It is the responsibility of the student who wants to do an optional internship to submit the internship evaluation report to be prepared by the relevant workplace authority to the faculty document registration unit. Applications made via mail, cargo, fax and other means of communication will not be processed.
• The workplace internship evaluation report is reviewed by the department internship committee, and the prepared committee report is submitted to the Department Head. An internship completion certificate is given to the student who successfully completes his/her internship.
Application Conditions:
In order for the student to participate in the optional internship, the following conditions must be met;
• The student status must be active during the dates of the internship,
• The internship must be carried out during the midterm and summer vacation periods, and no course registrations must be made for summer education during the internship dates,
• The student must have an Occupational Health and Safety Certificate.
Application Forms:
1) Optional Internship Application Form
2) Insurance Status Declaration Form
3) Health Provision Certificate (to be obtained from the e-government application.)
4) Occupational Health and Safety Certificate (Photocopy)