A. Quality Assurance

A.1. Percentage of achievement of the objectives related to education and training activities in the strategic plan of the faculty (%) 90
A.2. Percentage of achievement of the objectives related to research and development activities in the strategic plan of the faculty (%) 85
A.3. Number of undergraduate programs stated as accredited in the YKS Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide 0
A.5. Number of programs subject to peer evaluation (Among Non-Accredited Programs) 0
A.6. ​​Number of accredited test/analysis laboratories 0
A.7. Number of programs subject to self-evaluation 3
A.8. Number of documents obtained from TSE or other authorized institutions/organizations 0
A.9. Percentage of achievement of the objectives related to administrative activities included in the faculty’s strategic plan (%) 70
A.10. Number of activities (Meetings, Workshops, Surveys, etc.) organized in the institute to disseminate quality culture 35
A.11. Number of feedback and evaluation meetings held by the faculty with its internal stakeholders within the scope of quality processes 17

Number of feedback and evaluation meetings held by the faculty and its departments with its external stakeholders within the scope of quality processes 23

Number of Internal Evaluation Reports (KİDR/BİDR) developed within the scope of the faculty’s quality processes and the compliance rate with the annual plan (%) 1
A.14. Number of national or international professional organizations, associations or unions of which membership is made 10
B. Internationalization
B.1. Number of students coming through student exchange programs 0
B.2. Number of students going through student exchange programs 0
B.3. Faculty members coming through faculty exchange programs 1
B.4. Number of faculty members going through faculty exchange programs 4
B.5. Number of international universities collaborated with 2
B.6. Number of projects carried out jointly with universities or institutions and organizations abroad 1
B.7. Number of foreign students 263
C. Education-Training
C.1. The rate of courses students can take from programs other than the program they are registered in 10%
C.2. The rate of elective courses students can take in the program they are registered in 10%
C.3. The number of courses focused on innovation, enterprise and technology 15
C.4. The number of courses students take via distance education / total number of courses 20%
C.5. The number of undergraduate programs 4
C.6. The satisfaction rate of students with the program they are registered in (%) 85%
C.7. The number of undergraduate students doing a double major 0
C.8. Number of undergraduate students doing minors 6
C.9. Rate of undergraduate students doing double majors 0.00
C.10. Rate of undergraduate students doing minors 0.30
C.11. Average of weekly lecture hours of full-time faculty members teaching courses over two terms 22.5

C.12. Ratio of Associate Degree + Bachelor's Degree + Master's Degree + Doctorate Programs with program information packages that can be viewed on the institution's website to the total number of programs 4
C.13. Number of programs with self-assessment 3
C.14. Satisfaction rate of students with the program they are registered in 85%
C.15. Satisfaction rate of the business world regarding the competencies of graduates 85%
C.16. Number of graduates who are employed/total number of graduates, 90%
D. Research and Development
D.1. Annual number of publications in SCI, SSCI and A&HCI indexed journals (WOS) 130
D.2. Annual number of publications in SCI, SSCI and A&HCI indexed journals per faculty member 5.40
D.3. Total number of publications (documents) (Scopus) 130
D.4. Ratio of total number of publications (documents) to number of faculty members 5.40
D.5. Number of international symposiums, congresses or artistic exhibitions 76
D.6. Number of projects carried out jointly with the sector 2
D.7. Number of publications per faculty member published in nationally refereed journals 1.66
D.8. Field-weighted citation index (Scopus) 54
D.9. Number of citations (WOS) 23
D.10. Citation score (WOS) 159
D.11. Number of Q1 publications 78
D.12. Q1 publication rate (WOS) 56
D.13. Number of publications made in international collaborations (Scopus) 23
D.14. Ratio of number of publications made in international collaborations to total number of publications (Scopus) 18
D.15. Number of publications made in university-industry collaborations (Scopus) 78
D.16. Ratio of number of publications made in university-industry collaborations to total number of publications (Scopus) 56
D.17. Number of Publications Cited in the Top 10% (Scopus) 18
D.18. Ratio of number of publications cited in the Top 10% to total number of publications (Scopus) -
D.19. Number of publications in journals in the top 10% (Scopus) 8
D.20. Ratio of number of publications in journals in the top 10% to total number of publications (Scopus) -
D.21. Number of completed externally supported projects (University) 2
D.22. Number of completed externally supported projects per faculty member 0.02
D.23. Total annual budget of completed externally supported projects (University) 0
D.24. Number of completed internally supported projects (University) 0
D.25. Number of completed internally supported projects per faculty member 0
D.26. Total annual budget of completed internally supported projects (University) 0
D.27. Number of patents, utility models or designs applied for 0
D.28. Number of finalized patents, utility models or designs (University) 0
D.29. Number of industrial projects carried out by students 0
D.30. Number of students participating in Technopark or Technology Transfer Office (TTO) projects 0
D.31. Number of active faculty members in technology companies (University) 0
D.32. Number of faculty members with TÜBA and TÜBİTAK awards (excluding TÜBA translation awards) (University) 0
D.33. International awards (Awards received on an institutional basis or on behalf of the institution or officially in connection with the institution) (University) 0
D.34. Number of master's degree students with thesis per faculty member 33
D.35. Number of doctoral students per faculty member 0.3
D.36. Ratio of project revenues outside the central budget such as own income, revolving fund, fund, etc. to the annual budget 0
E. Social Contribution
E.1. Number of projects carried out together with other public institutions 2
E.2. Number of activities carried out regarding social integration and inclusiveness for disadvantaged groups 1
E.3. Number of social responsibility projects carried out by the institution itself 0
E.4. Number of social responsibility projects carried out jointly by the institution 0
E.5. Number of social responsibility projects carried out by students 0
E.6. Number of services provided within the scope of R&D, innovation and product development in university laboratories 0
E.7. Income from services provided within the scope of R&D, innovation and product development in university laboratories 0