On the third day of the four-day Bolu Governorship In-Service Training Program, the results of the Positive Communicator Workshop on the subject of Interpersonal Communication Skills began to be received.

13 Şubat 2025 Perşembe

On the third day of the in-service training program organized within the scope of the partnership and stakeholder protocol between the Public Relations and Publicity Department of the Faculty of Communication of Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University and the Open Door Directorate of the Bolu Governorship, the results of the "Positive Communication" workshop, which was started practically in the previous session, were discussed.

News: Yağız Ekmen

On the third day of the four-day In-Service Training

Program, the results of the well-being exercise, which was the subject of the "Positive Communication" workshop, were discussed. The participants experienced how beneficial this application, which develops the skills of 'seeing the positive side' in the face of events and facts encountered every day, was through the notes they shared. By creating an improved selective perception towards 'the positive', a gratitude exercise was also provided.

Prof. Dr. Emre Tandırlı touched upon the concept of positive psychology, which he shared his theoretical knowledge with last week, and stated that "The secret of a person's spiritual structure is patience and gratitude." The last session of the in-service training program will end the next day, Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 10:00, after a presentation on "Effective and Beautiful Speaking" by Prof. Dr. Mehmet Altınöz and a group photo shoot.