The regular July meeting with our faculty academic staff was held today at 15:30!

17 Temmuz 2024 Çarşamba

We held our monthly routine meeting with our academic staff in July. We held the first meeting of our meeting to evaluate our academic staff satisfaction surveys in July and August in the QMS WORKFLOW system, and to create an improvement action plan for our open-ended areas of improvement from these surveys today, July 17, 2024 at 15:30. We conducted our Ishakawa analyses to identify problems at their source and solve them at their source, and discussed our solution suggestions. The results of the 2024 Academic Staff Satisfaction Survey were addressed by going to the source of the problem with the help of the Ishakawa table. Concrete action plans were created by making joint decisions for effective solutions. We will hold our next meetings in the coming months, and hopefully we will address the improvements together.

Click for the Meeting Minutes.

The agenda will cover the survey results in the table below.
The ranking starts from the lowest. It lists under 50 points as required by the quality monitoring and follow-up system.
The number of academic staff in the department is sufficient. 15 45.3
I am satisfied with the social, cultural, sports and artistic activities of our university. 15 46.7
I am satisfied with the adequacy of the physical conditions for conducting research. 15 49.3
I am satisfied with the canteen services. 15 49.3

This meeting was designed as an extended administrative staff meeting that includes all of our faculty's academic staff. The agenda item of the meeting, which started with the satisfaction surveys conducted by our university's Quality Unit and explanations about the open-to-improvement aspects resulting from these surveys, was to address the open-to-improvement aspects resulting from the satisfaction surveys in the administrative category. In this context, the Problem, the Source of the Problem (ishikawa analysis) and solution suggestions detailed below were created with the statements of our academic staff during the meeting. An action plan has also been created regarding these solutions and it is planned to complete these solution activities within a maximum of 3 months. There are 4 items below 50 points. Titles with 1 45.3 points, 1 46.7 points, 2 49.3 points were discussed in detail in this meeting.
Agenda items (Results of the latest Administrative Staff Satisfaction Survey)
Agenda Item (Survey Item)
S1) The number of academic staff in the department is sufficient. (45.3)
First of all, upon the suggestion of our Quality Coordination to us, the unit managers, it was stated that the item with the lowest score, which received 45.3 points, was “The number of academic staff in the department is sufficient” and the meeting began by examining the analyses to determine the source of the problem regarding this item.
The number of students per academic staff in our faculty is above general standards. Both the evening education and the high quota numbers given by the Council of Higher Education each year have greatly increased this swelling over the years. The number of students approaching 2000 in the faculty is too much for our number of faculty members, which is close to 30. As a result, the source of the problem:
SK1) Excessive number of students
SK2) Insufficient employment of academic staff
Ç1) 2nd Education has been closed by YÖK. Thus, no new student quota will be created for 2nd Education, and our current E.Ö. students will be combined with joint courses between departments as much as possible and will be taught collectively in our University's conference halls.

Ç2) Whether it is standard staff, promotion in duty, or external academic staff requests, a sufficient number of staff will be determined according to the needs of the departments and forwarded to my rectorate.

Agenda Item (Survey Item)
I am satisfied with the social, cultural, sports and artistic activities of our university. (46.7)
The second item, which received a slightly higher score than the lowest score of 40 points, and received 46.7 points, was answered with a positive opinion of 46.7%.
Our university actually has quite intense cultural activities. The relevant committees of our faculty also participate in these activities at a very high rate. Likewise, our faculty competes with our Faculty of Fine Arts in terms of artistic activities. Maybe something can be done in terms of social and sports activities. The high usage fees of the pool reflect negatively. It should be free for the staff and their relatives. In conclusion, the source of the problem:
SK1) Lack of social, cultural, sports and artistic activities
SK2) Especially high fees for sports activities
Ç1a) We will raise the bar even higher in terms of cultural and artistic activities. For example, next year, for BAIBUILEF-IG 2025, we aim to increase the number of participants from 100 in BAIBUILEF-IG 2024 to 250 as in the IFIG program. Our Faculty Symposium Committee and BAIBUILEF-IG Organizing Committee will conduct a comprehensive study on this issue as of October.
Ç1b) Again, events can be organized for our students from our departments through our external protocol and practical stakeholders. Or, individually invited guest speakers or panel type events will also enrich the education and training activities in our Faculty in terms of the sector.

Ç2) Of course, something extra can be done in terms of social and sports activities. In this sense, our newly established committees, our Moral Motivation and Awards Committee, held its first event, the İLEF ACADEMIC 2024 AWARDS event. This event was found quite positive by the masses and took its place in the QMS as an important improvement action as a sustainable quality indicator in terms of academic and administrative aspects. In terms of sports activities, we will ask our research assistant friends who are currently interested in sports activities to plan more active events in this regard or to work more effectively in terms of participation in activities organized throughout our University. Solution in terms of pool: It should be discounted for personnel and their relatives. It is suggested as a solution to provide Academic and Administrative Participation in our Faculty to the Badminton game in Karaçayır, which our Private Secretary Şenol Özkan participated in. In this context, it is sufficient to write the name of our Private Secretary and contact him.

Agenda Item (Survey Item)
S3) I am satisfied with the adequacy of the physical conditions where research can be conducted. (49.3)
Thirdly, there were 44% positive opinions regarding the item “There are mechanisms to reward success and performance in our unit to increase personnel satisfaction. (44)”, which received 44 points. In fact, a very important solution has come into play in relation to this problem.
SK1) The Faculty of Agriculture, the Faculty of Communication and the Graduate Education Institute operate simultaneously in our faculty building. This naturally leads to some physical space deficiencies.
SK2) Writing an official letter especially for the conference halls and computer laboratories in our building, which are in common use, leaves a negative impression in terms of spatial belonging.
SK3) A situation that pushes the limits has also occurred in the faculty member rooms. Unfortunately, the rooms for the new faculty members to be employed from outside have reached the upper limit that cannot be allocated, and the solution of seating two people in the existing rooms has become necessary. This creates a congestion atmosphere with the advisor students coming to the faculty members' rooms.
Ç1) New construction activities have started on our campus in the summer term. We hope that an independent building with sufficient capacity will be allocated for the Faculty of Communication, which will exceed 2000 students in the near future, and we continue our efforts in this direction.

C2) When we have the independent building, hopefully, all the necessary spaces, conference halls, classrooms, computer laboratories, TV and radio studios, editing rooms, etc. related to the Faculty of Communication will be under one roof.

C3) Independent rooms with meeting tables will be allocated for faculty management, Dean, Vice Deans, Department Heads, department academicians, and vice deans and department heads so that they can hold faculty and department boards.

Agenda Item (Survey Item)
Link C4) We are not satisfied with the canteen services. (49.3)
Fourth and lastly, there were 49.3% positive opinions regarding the item “We are not satisfied with the canteen services.” which received 49.3 points. In fact, this issue was addressed in the previous satisfaction survey action plan creation meeting before the two meetings on 03.04.2024. This item received less points at that time. There has been improvement since then.

Q1) There is an exorbitant price practice.
Q1) Limited variety stock is still continuing.
Q1) Our efforts to have a more affordable pricing policy have yielded results. Exorbitant price practice has been prevented. This has started to become sustainable. Our controls and price monitoring will continue in this regard.

President of the Meeting Prof. Dr. Emre Tandırlı Dean