Application and Registration Conditions

Application Requirements
Graduating from any undergraduate program (4 years)
Having a general grade point average of 2.40 or above on the four-point system and 60 or above on the hundred-point system
Having a minimum ALES Verbal score of 60
Having a minimum YDS, YÖKDİL Foreign Language score of 40

Click to apply.

Registration Requirements
Student admission to the program is carried out according to the methods commonly used in Turkey. A national announcement is made regarding the admission of graduate students. In order to apply to the announcement, online applications of candidates who meet the criteria of having an ALES Verbal score of at least 60, a Foreign Language score of at least 40 and an undergraduate graduation average of at least 60 out of 100 are accepted. The science exam is held on the date and time specified in the announcement. The science exam consists of open-ended questions prepared from different disciplines. Candidates who score at least 50 points in the science exam participate in the evaluation. In order to determine the students to be accepted in the evaluation; 50% of ALES score, 20% of undergraduate GPA, 10% of foreign language score and 20% of science exam are taken. These scores are added up and ranked from largest to smallest. In the student admission ranking, the number of students accepted is the same as the number of candidates announced from largest to smallest. Instead of the main candidates who do not register, the right to register is given to the reserve candidates from the top candidates in the ranking. The interdisciplinary communication sciences master's program also accepts applications from candidates whose undergraduate field is outside of communication sciences. The announcement, application, evaluation and processes are carried out in the same way as for graduates of the field. 4 or 5 scientific preparatory courses are given to candidates who are accepted from outside the field. Students who are successful in the scientific preparatory courses start taking master's courses.